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By Sylvia Lim CGA, CFP

  • Wear an extra sweater indoors; lower the thermostat at home to save on utility costs.
  • Outdoor skating, snow shoeing and bird watching are fun and inexpensive winter activities. For a special treat, bring your own thermos of hot chocolate or specialty coffee for the outing.
  • Don’t go shopping as a pastime activity. Buy only what you need. Shop with a list and don’t deviate from it.
  • For chocolate lovers, buy your favorite treats after February 14th at reduced prices. Chocolates can be kept at room temperature for up to six months.
  • Treat your loved one to a Valentine Day’s dinner the weekend before or after February 14th. The quality of the restaurant’s food and service are just as good and you usually pay less than on Valentine’s Day.
  • Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses. Impressing other people usually puts you in the poor house.
  • For more saving tips, order your copy of the “ Personal Budgeting Kit”.Find more saving and finance tips in Sylvia’s books–visit the Books page.

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