I came across a recent ad with ex-dragon Arlene Dickinson espousing her goal-oriented strategy for saving money and restoring financial well-being. Immediately, the book The Millionaire Next Door came to my mind. This New York Times bestseller was published a number of years ago sharing with readers the surprisingly simple, yet effective secrets to amassing a million dollars or more. Those strategies then still apply today, as they did for many generations before us.
Both messages are literally the same. Slow and steady win the day when it comes to responsible saving and budgeting.
For example, you can save as little as $2.75 a day; and that can add up to $1,000 a year. Think 20 years into the future, that’s $20,000 from just saving the price of a cup of coffee at Starbucks today! This doesn’t even take into account the compounding effect of investing, which can potentially double (*) this total!
So by giving up a coffee at your favourite Tim Horton’s, walking or taking public transit instead of driving to your local store, and packing your lunch instead of fast food out, they can all add up.
There are many ideas to save. Just google budgeting, saving tips, etc. and you will be bombarded with thousands of useful websites and ideas. My book ‘The Personal Budgeting Kit‘ also has many smart saving ideas to help you on your way.
Here are some other strategies to keep in mind. They are simple, basic and logical.
– live below your means
– save your money
– pay down your debt
– have a plan/goal
– seek advice
– read up on saving ideas
As quoted from the Millionaire Next Door – “Whatever your income, always live below your means.”
And as quoted from Arlene Dickinson in the ad – “Keep at it when you can and it will add up.”